The Role Of Output And Requirement Contracts In Procurement

The Role Of Output And Requirement Contracts In Procurement

Output and requirement contracts play distinct roles in supply chain management, particularly for securing goods or services from suppliers or vendors. Learn all about how your business can instill flexibility in the procurement process with these contract types.


The sale and purchase of goods or services is a standard part of every business. Procurement teams naturally depend on contracts to make that happen. As a result, understanding the nuances of various contractual agreements is critical for organizations seeking efficient supply chain management

Two common choices for the procurement process are output and requirement contracts. They both have their distinct benefits and uses for businesses.  For buyers and sellers, knowing the ins and outs of these contractual agreements can help better their efficiency, vendor relationships, and bottom line. In this blog post, we will talk about output and requirements and when businesses should use them. 

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What are output contracts?

In an output contract, the seller agrees to sell all the goods or services they produce or provide to a particular buyer. Also, the purchaser agrees to buy the entire produce within a certain period. Due to the exclusivity of these agreements, sellers aren’t allowed to sell to any other buyer. As output contracts dictate the sales of goods, they fall under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

Seller's Obligation: In an output contract, the seller commits to providing the buyer with its entire production or output of a specific type of goods or services. For example, a manufacturer may agree to sell all of its specific components to a single buyer.

Buyer's Obligation: The buyer agrees to purchase the entire output or production from the seller. It means they are obligated to accept and pay for all of the goods or services that meet the agreed-upon specifications.

Quantity and Specifications: The contract should specify the quantity of goods or services involved and any specific quality or specifications that buyers require.

Duration & Price: Output contracts can be for a specific duration, or they can continue indefinitely until one of the parties decides to terminate it. The contract may specify a price per unit, or it may use a formula or method to determine the price at the time of delivery.

When do you need output contracts?

Output contracts are typically used in procurement and supply chain management when the buyer wants to secure a consistent and predictable supply of goods or services from a supplier. Common industries where output contracts are frequently used include manufacturing, agriculture, energy production, and services with ongoing delivery requirements, such as IT support or maintenance services. Output contracts are a viable option for the following situations:

Steady Supply Needs:

Output contracts are beneficial when a buyer requires a continuous and steady supply of a specific product or service. It is common in industries where production or service delivery is ongoing, and fluctuations in supply could disrupt operations.

Variable Demand:

If the demand for the product or service varies over time, an output contract allows the supplier to adjust the quantity supplied based on their production capacity and the buyer's fluctuating demand. This flexibility can help balance supply and demand.

Long-Term Relationship:

Output contracts often lead to long-term relationships between buyers and suppliers. An output contract can offer consistency and stability if both parties plan on maintaining their business relationship and working together.

Quality Assurance:

The contract can include specific quality standards and specifications that the goods or services must meet, ensuring that the buyer consistently receives products or services of the desired quality.

Resource Planning:

Suppliers may benefit from knowing in advance that they have a committed buyer for their entire production output. It allows them to plan resources, production schedules, and inventory levels.

Cost Efficiencies:

In some cases, long-term output contracts can lead to cost efficiencies for both parties. Suppliers may offer better pricing or terms to secure a long-term commitment from a buyer, while buyers benefit from stable supply and potentially lower prices.

Risk Mitigation:

Output contracts can allocate certain risks, such as production interruptions or changes in market conditions, between the buyer and the supplier, depending on the terms negotiated.


When a buyer needs products or services that require customization or adaptation to specific requirements, an output contract can ensure that the supplier dedicates the necessary resources to meet these needs consistently.

What are requirement contracts?

In a requirement contract, a buyer commits to purchasing all of its needs or requirements for a specific product or service from a single supplier or a group of pre-approved suppliers. These contracts are also known as "requirements contracts" or "needs contracts.” Here are key characteristics and elements of requirement contracts:

Exclusive Supplier: In a requirement contract, the buyer designates one or more suppliers as the exclusive source for the specified product or service. The buyer agrees not to procure the product or service from other suppliers during the contract term.

Volume Commitment: The buyer commits to purchasing a certain volume or quantity of the product or service from the designated supplier according to their need. This commitment provides the supplier(s) with a guaranteed customer for their offerings.

Flexibility in Pricing: Requirement contracts often include provisions for pricing flexibility. The contract may specify the pricing structure, such as fixed prices, cost-plus pricing, or pricing tied to market conditions. The flexibility allows for adjustments based on changing market factors.

Contract Duration: Requirement contracts can have specific durations, often spanning several months or years, or they can be open-ended, continuing until one of the parties decides to terminate the contract. Termination typically requires advance notice.

Quality and Specifications: The contract outlines the quality standards and specifications that the product or service must meet to be acceptable to the buyer. Quality control and adherence to specifications are crucial elements of these contracts.

Supplier Selection: The buyer typically selects the supplier(s) based on various criteria, including quality, pricing, reliability, capacity, and other factors. The selection process is critical because the chosen supplier becomes the sole or primary source for the required product or service.

Long-Term Relationship: Requirement contracts often foster long-term relationships between the buyer and the suppliers. It can lead to collaboration, improved product or service quality, and the potential for cost savings over time.

Quantity Forecasts: To facilitate production planning and resource allocation, the buyer may provide the suppliers with quantity forecasts or estimates of its requirements over the contract period.

Termination and Modification: The contract may specify conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement. It may also outline procedures for modifying the contract terms if necessary.

Legal Requirements: Requirement contracts must adhere to legal requirements, including the principles of offer, acceptance, consideration, and mutual assent, to be considered valid and enforceable.

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When do you need the required contracts?

Requirement contracts are popular in industries with stable, ongoing needs for specific goods or services, such as manufacturing, government procurement, healthcare, and construction. These contracts offer the advantage of guaranteed supply for the buyer and a stable customer base for the supplier, often contributing to efficient procurement and business relationships. Here are situations when you might consider using a requirement contract:

Stable and Predictable Demand:

Requirement contracts are well-suited for situations where the demand for a particular product or service is relatively stable and predictable over an extended period. This stability allows both the buyer and supplier to plan effectively.

Strategic Partnership:

When a buyer wishes to establish a strategic partnership with a supplier, a requirement contract can solidify this relationship. It demonstrates a commitment to working closely with a particular supplier to meet ongoing needs.

Quality Assurance:

If product or service quality is a top priority, a requirement contract can specify strict quality standards and control measures. It ensures suppliers consistently deliver products or services meeting the buyer's high-quality requirements.

Exclusive Supplier Relationship:

When a buyer has identified a reliable supplier that meets its needs effectively, a requirement contract can formalize the supplier as the exclusive source for the specified product or service. This exclusivity can lead to cost savings and operational efficiencies.

Economies of Scale:

Requirement contracts can lead to cost efficiencies for both the buyer and the supplier. The buyer can benefit from volume discounts, while the supplier can optimize its production or service delivery processes.

Resource Planning:

Suppliers often appreciate the predictability of a requirement contract because it allows them to plan resources, production schedules, and inventory levels more effectively. This can lead to better resource utilization and reduced waste.

Market Stability:

In industries with relatively stable market conditions, requirement contracts can provide price predictability for both parties. Pricing mechanisms can be set based on cost-plus models, fixed pricing, or indexed to market conditions.

Long-Term Collaboration:

If the buyer envisions a long-term collaboration with a particular supplier, a requirement contract helps formalize this commitment. Long-term relationships can lead to improved communication, problem-solving, and joint process improvements.

Risk Management:

Requirement contracts can allocate certain risks, such as supply interruptions or changes in market conditions, between the buyer and the supplier. This allocation of risk can be negotiated in the contract.

Regulatory Compliance:

In industries subject to specific regulations or quality standards, requirement contracts can ensure that the supplier adheres to these requirements consistently.


Output contracts and requirement contracts are valuable tools in procurement, each serving a distinct purpose. Output contracts are used when a buyer wants to secure a supplier's entire production, offering flexibility in volume, while requirement contracts are used when a buyer commits to purchasing its entire requirements from a single supplier, offering stability and exclusivity. Both contract types can contribute to efficient procurement processes and mutually beneficial relationships between buyers and suppliers. The choice between them depends on the specific needs and goals of the parties involved.

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Written by Deepti Gopimohan

As a creative content writer, Deepti has spent years assisting brands to share their unique voice with audiences, complying with the latest marketing trends and strategies. Her educational background in Literature & Journalism has helped her research and publish content for diverse industries & mediums.
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