Elevate Your Sales Process With CMS-integrated Salesforce

Elevate Your Sales Process With CMS-integrated Salesforce

Revolutionize your sales process by adopting a CMS-integrated Salesforce. The sales team can enjoy advanced contract management capabilities from within the Salesforce platform.

Maintaining a satisfied clientele is an integral part of running a business. To do that, organizations must offer efficient and smooth-running services. Unnecessary obstacles and delays can harm the sales process and turn away clients. And a cardinal part of wooing clients is a seamless contracting process. A solid contract is necessary to establish a lasting partnership. As the customers progress through the sales pipeline, the last thing the sales team needs is for the deal to fall through because of an ineffective legal agreement.   

If businesses want all their sales team’s efforts to pay off, they must redefine their sell-side contracting process. Quick and efficient contracts mean the clients stay happy and are much more likely to return. Fortunately for companies, contract management software integrated with Salesforce offers the sales and legal team a centralized platform to streamline the sales process. It makes contract management straightforward for both customers and the company. Keep reading to learn more about enhancing your sales process using CMS-integrated Salesforce.   

What is a sales process? 

A sales process is a series of tested and proven steps a sales teams take to convert potential leads to customers. A thought-out and structured framework makes the process easier for everyone involved. It usually varies a bit according to the industry and size. But the typical sales process usually involves the following stages:  

Prospecting: During the prospecting stage, the sales team scouts for potential leads. It generally involves online research, referrals, or personal meetings to find prospective clients.  

Approach: The second step of the sales process is connecting with prospective leads to gather information. The sales team ensures the customer is qualified and likely to purchase their goods or services.

Research clients: In this stage, the sales team learns more about the client company and its needs. It enables organizations to provide a tailored experience to the customers.

Presentation: In the presentation stage, the sales team provides a tailored demonstration of their product or service to the clients. All the information gathered during the previous step comes in handy for the presentation.  

Handle objections: This specific step is for the sales team to handle the questions and grievances of the clients. It can be about the contract, cost, or product.  

Closing the deal: For this stage, the customer and the business finalize a mutually beneficial agreement. It can involve varied tasks, such as proposals or clients buying the product or service.  

Follow-up: The sales process does not end with onboarding a client. To ensure customer satisfaction and retention, the organization continues to nurture the relationship through constant communication.

Automated Contract Management SystemWhy opt for CMS-integrated Salesforce? 

Every step of the sales process is crucial for a successful client relationship. Getting a client onboard is only possible if the business provides an efficient and compliant contract. That is why the contracting process is such a significant part of sales. They need contracts tailored to the client's specific needs. Splitting the sales and contracting processes through different teams and platforms makes it harder to reach a common goal.  

But integrating CMS (Contract Management Software) with Salesforce enables the sales and legal team to collaborate to create compliant contracts. Consequently, organizations will have an accelerated and efficient contracting process. Through Salesforce contract management, the legal team can support the sales process better. They will be able to deliver client-focused contractual agreements, leading to better sales. Now let us see how you can improve the sales process through the CMS-integrated Salesforce.  

Core Features of cms

How does CMS-integrated Salesforce help the sales process? 

The intricately designed Salesforce platform can magnificently handle the entire customer relationship process. The contract management system enables organizations to create, share, approve, and store contracts. By integrating CMS with Salesforce, businesses can utilize the potential of digital contracting to expedite the sales process.  

Transforming leads to sales, including contract generation, is a long and convoluted process. The integrated system empowers companies to control, manage, and close more deals. It makes relevant information available in the platform you work with, whether Salesforce or CMS. With just one click from the Salesforce platform, the sales team can kick-start the contract request and authoring process. And with complete access to both systems, the legal team can better contribute to the customer relationship. Here’s how organizations can elevate their sales process through CMS-integrated Salesforce

  • Reduce the scope of human error 

A sales deal is only valid as the legal agreement that accompanies it. Also, authentic and accurate contracts help to build trust in a partnership. Hence, there is no room for error in the sales agreement. When organizations depend on manual data entry, the scope for mistakes increases exponentially. But by adopting the CMS-integrated Salesforce system, businesses can forgo repetitive administrative tasks completely.  

The sales or legal team can directly auto-populate sales data to generate legal agreements. The legal team can ensure compliance in self-service contracts without dragging the contracting process. Tapping into CRM data for contract authoring accelerates the sales process without compromising accuracy. A valid and compliant legal agreement perpetuates a loyal customer base.  

  • Maintain data integrity 

The CMS-integrated Salesforce system adds consistency to the sales and contracting process by storing all the information in a centralized location. Consequently, both the sales and legal teams have authorized access to contract metadata and supporting documents. 

The integrated system enables data synchronization so that any modification to client data on one platform mirrors another. Hence, all the client-related information in CMS and Salesforce is always up to date. This two-way data-sharing makes it easier for companies to enforce contract standards and data integrity. And it leads to greater consistency and improved compliance. As a result, all the data available for the sales process is accurate, consistent, and complete.   

  • Close deals faster 

On average, it takes weeks for an organization to create and sign a legal agreement. Just imagine the potential customers waiting that long to use a product or service. That does not bode well for the sales process. Clients always require quick and efficient results. Making the contracting process as undemanding as possible for the customers can benefit the sales process. 

The integration brings client data directly into the contracting process eliminating manual entry. It enables organizations to increase speed and maintain data quality throughout the contracting lifecycle. Contract creation, review, and approval are now hassle-free, thus boosting the sales process. Moreover, with access to the Salesforce platform, the legal team can create contractual agreements tailored to customer needs. It can improve the chances of approval for the business.  

  • Enhance customer relationship 

The sales teams require access to new and existing contracts to serve their clients better. The integrated Salesforce system offers a deep look into the entire customer experience. The contract management system makes all the contract data searchable. Thus, the organization has all the information handy to improve customer relationships. 

Moreover, the sales team can utilize contract metadata to generate powerful client reports. The integrated system's advanced analytics and reporting transform the contract data into actionable insights. Consequently, organizations can better guide and serve their customers. The sales team can utilize renew and review notifications offered by contract management software to retain customers. Timely action can help to sway clients to their side and renew their contracts.  

  • Minimize conflict between sales and legal team  

Contract management software empowers the sales team to create self-service contracts. But often, the responsibility for ensuring compliance and standards falls on the legal team. It can cause friction between the two departments working on different platforms.

Fortunately, the CMS-integrated Salesforce system offers a centralized platform for the two teams to collaborate. The sales teams can kick off contracts and stay up to date on the contracting process through the integrated system. They can track the progress of contracts from Salesforce itself to eliminate unnecessary delays. The automated approval workflows encourage communication and shared responsibility.  


For a long time, Salesforce has been redefining the way enterprises handle customer relationships. By incorporating the benefits of the contract management system into Salesforce, organizations get the best of both worlds. Through a centralized platform, the sales and legal team get absolute control over the sales and contracting process. It ensures that the operation moves smoothly, whether you are accessing from Salesforce or CMS. 

Thus, the integrated system systematically distributes the responsibilities and accountability among both. Real-time data sharing, centralized repositories, and more pave way for customer relationship management. CMS-integrated Salesforce changes the way businesses handle contracts and customers. It empowers the sales team to make informed and timely decisions. Consequently, it brings greater transparency, communication, and collaboration into the sales process. Trust and service are the driving force behind customer loyalty. Offering an efficient and authentic operation can help to acquire and retain clients. 

Our live demo will give you an idea of how contract management software can upgrade your business. 

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Schedule a live demo of Dock 365's Contract Management Software instantly.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be legal advice; rather, all information, content, and resources accessible through this site are for purely educational purposes. This page's content might not be up to date with legal or other information.
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Written by Deepti Gopimohan

As a creative content writer, Deepti has spent years assisting brands to share their unique voice with audiences, complying with the latest marketing trends and strategies. Her educational background in Literature & Journalism has helped her research and publish content for diverse industries & mediums.
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Naveen, a seasoned content reviewer with 9+ years in software technical writing, excels in evaluating content for accuracy and clarity. With expertise in SaaS, cybersecurity, AI, and cloud computing, he ensures adherence to brand standards while simplifying complex concepts.