Contract disputes Legal Remedies and Strategies

How To Handle Contract Disputes: Remedies & Strategies

While contracts are designed to protect the interests of all parties, disputes can still arise, leading to costly and time-consuming conflicts. In this blog post, we will explore strategies for effectively managing and preventing such disputes.


Disagreements and resolutions are common occurrences in business processes. Dissents regarding contracts, however, may escalate into legal disputes pretty fast. It can lead to sour partnerships, impede operations, or even have financial repercussions. With proper strategies, organizations will be able to smartly handle contract disputes before they crop up new problems for their business.

What is a contract dispute?

Contract disputes are disagreements between parties over the contents of a contractual agreement. Conflicts usually arise from issues with contract interpretation, enforcement, or performance. When individuals or organizations enter into a contractual relationship, they typically have certain rights, obligations, and expectations outlined within the document. There is a contract dispute when one or more parties contend that these clauses have been broken, misunderstood, or inadequately fulfilled. 

If left unresolved, contract disputes can lead to financial repercussions for the parties. They can also hinder business operations and relationships between parties. The erring party may suffer legal and reputational harm if the conflict goes to court. Contract value leakage is likely to increase as a result of contractual disputes.

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What are the common causes of contract disputes?

Contract disputes occur when a party accuses another of failing to comply with the terms, obligations, or performance. These disputes can range from minor disagreements to complex legal battles. Here are some common factors that often lead to contract disputes:

  • Miscommunication or misunderstanding: One of the primary causes of contract disputes is miscommunication or misunderstanding between the parties involved. It can occur due to ambiguity in terms and conditions or different interpretations of the language used in the agreement.
  • Breach of contract: A breach of contract occurs when one party fails to fulfill its obligations as outlined in the legal agreement. It can involve failure to deliver goods or services, non-payment, late delivery, or agreed-upon deadlines.
  • Changes in circumstances: Contract disputes may arise when unforeseen events or changes in circumstances make it difficult or impossible for one or both parties to fulfill their contractual obligations. Examples include natural disasters, economic downturns, or changes in laws or regulations.
  • Non-performance or inadequate performance: Disputes can arise if either of the parties fails to perform their obligations less satisfactorily or has delivered substandard work. It could include poor quality, delays, or failure to meet agreed-upon specifications.
  • Disagreements over contract terms: Contractual details like particular terms or clauses are frequently the source of contention between parties. It could include disagreements about pricing, payment terms, warranties, intellectual property rights, or dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Implied terms or verbal agreements: Contract disputes may occur when parties have differing interpretations of implied terms. Verbal agreements that were not explicitly documented in the contract but were discussed or understood between the parties can cause conflicts.
  • Fraud or misrepresentation: Contract disputes can arise when one party engages in fraudulent activities or misrepresents facts during contract negotiations. It could involve false statements, concealment of information, or intentional deception.
  • Unforeseen events or force majeure: Certain unforeseen events, such as natural disasters, wars, or epidemics, may make it impossible or impracticable for one or both parties to fulfill their contractual obligations. Disputes may arise regarding the applicability and impact of force majeure clauses.

What are the legal remedies for contract disputes?

Lawfully enforceable contracts have several legal remedies available for disputes. The appropriate resolution depends on the nature of the conflict, the terms of the contractual agreement, and the applicable laws. Here are some prominent legal remedies for contract disputes:


Suing for damages is the most common legal remedy for contract disputes. They aim to compensate the injured party for the losses caused by the breach of contract. The distinct type of damages include:

   a. Compensatory damages: The wronged party seeks compensation for the actual losses suffered as a direct result of the breach. The goal is to put the injured party in the same financial position they would have if the breach had not occurred.

   b. Consequential damages: Also known as special damages, these cover losses that were reasonably foreseeable consequences of the breach but are not a direct result. For example, if a delayed delivery of goods causes the buyer to lose a lucrative business opportunity, the consequential damages may cover the lost profits.

   c. Punitive damages:  Defendants found guilty of wrongdoing or offense might have to pay punitive damages apart from compensations. However, punitive damages are typically only available in cases involving willful or malicious behavior.

   d. Liquidated damages: Some contracts include provisions that specify a predetermined amount of damages in case of a breach. These are called liquidated damages clauses and must be reasonable and proportional to the potential harm caused by the breach.

Specific Performance

In some situations, the non-breaching party may seek a remedy known as specific performance. It requires the breaching party to fulfill their contractual obligations as agreed upon. Parties sought this remedy for the unique subject matter or when monetary damages would be inadequate to compensate the injured party. Courts order this remedy only if the contracts and their conditions are fair and legal. For instance, specific performance is the norm for real estate agreements, personal property agreements, or contracts involving unique services.

Rescission and Restitution

Rescission entails terminating the contract and restoring the pre-contract positions of both parties. For revoked contractual agreements, each party must return any benefits they received under the contract. Rescission comes as an option when there has been a material misrepresentation or fraud in the formation of the contract. In restitution, the plaintiff does not seek compensation for any breach of the contract. The offended party instead aims to recover any funds they may have given to the defendant. It usually happens when the courts determine that one party is unable to fulfill their obligations. 


Reformation is a remedy used when a contract has a mistake or ambiguity that does not accurately represent the parties' intentions. The reformation only succeeds if one party makes a mistake and the other is unaware. In such cases, a court may amend the agreement to correct the error or define the ambiguous terms. Reformation only works if both parties are amicable to a new contract. Also, the reformed contract mustn’t harm either party.

Arbitration or Mediation

Instead of going to court, the parties may choose to resolve their contract dispute through alternative dispute resolution methods such as arbitration or mediation. These processes involve the assistance of a neutral third party who helps the parties reach a mutually agreeable resolution. The decision reached through arbitration is binding, while mediation involves non-binding recommendations.

Strategies to avoid contract disputes

Contract disputes can be costly and time-consuming. Legal fees, court costs, and the potential for prolonged litigation can significantly impact the parties involved. Resolving a contract dispute through legal channels can take months or even years, diverting resources and attention from other business or personal matters. That is why here are a few strategies to avoid contract disputes:

Detailed Contract Terms: Organizations must ensure the contract unambiguously and clearly outlines each party's expectations, rights, and obligations. They should use specific language and provide detailed descriptions of the goods, services, timelines, payment terms, and any other relevant provisions. Thus, there’s no room for misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

Careful Review and Negotiation: Thoroughly review the contract before signing. Stakeholders must negotiate any terms that are unclear, unfair, or unacceptable. They must pay close attention to significant clauses such as dispute resolution mechanisms, termination conditions, and limitation of liability provisions. Moreover, the legal department must have an overview of the contracting process.

Written Agreements & Amendments: Businesses must always put agreements in writing, even if they are minor or informal. It helps create a clear record of the agreed-upon terms and reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or conflicting recollections. If there are changes or modifications to the contract terms after execution, document them using written amendments or addendums. Consequently, ensuring all parties are on the same page and agree to the revised terms.

Maintain Proper Documentation: Keep accurate records of all communications, correspondence, and documents related to the contract. It includes emails, meeting minutes, invoices, receipts, and other relevant records. These records can be vital in case of a dispute, as they provide evidence of the parties intentions and actions.

Communication and Clarity: Foster open and transparent communication throughout the contract duration. Communicate any concerns, issues, or potential changes in circumstances that may impact the contract. Promptly address any questions or disputes that arise, aiming for timely resolution.

Professional Legal Advice: Organizations should seek advice from a qualified attorney experienced in contract law during the negotiation and drafting process. They can provide guidance, ensure legal compliance, and help identify and mitigate potential risks.

Perform Due Diligence: Businesses must conduct thorough research and due diligence on the other party before entering into a contract. Verify their reputation, financial stability, track record, and credibility to assess their ability to fulfill their obligations.

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Organizations should include alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in the contract, such as mediation or arbitration clauses. These methods provide a means for resolving disputes outside of litigation and can be faster, more cost-effective, and less adversarial.

Review and Update Contracts Regularly: Contracts should not be viewed as static documents. Businesses must regularly review and update contracts to reflect changes in circumstances, industry practices, or legal requirements. It helps ensure that the contract remains relevant and effective over time.

How Artificial Intelligence Supports Contract Lifecycle Management

How does Dock 365 help with contract disputes?

Contract management software can play a significant role in helping to prevent and manage contract disputes effectively. It allows easy access to contract documents, enabling parties to quickly retrieve and review the original agreement, supporting documents, and any amendments. Thus, businesses can resolve disputes by referring to the agreed-upon terms and conditions. 

Providing a clear overview of the parties' respective duties, timelines, and deliverables reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or disagreements regarding performance expectations. Improved visibility promotes effective communication and collaboration, thereby minimizing potential sources of disputes.

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be legal advice; rather, all information, content, and resources accessible through this site are for purely educational purposes. This page's content might not be up to date with legal or other information.
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Written by Deepti Gopimohan

As a creative content writer, Deepti has spent years assisting brands to share their unique voice with audiences, complying with the latest marketing trends and strategies. Her educational background in Literature & Journalism has helped her research and publish compelling content for diverse industries and mediums, including Finance, Health, E-commerce, and Technology.
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Naveen, a seasoned content reviewer with 9+ years in software technical writing, excels in evaluating content for accuracy and clarity. With expertise in SaaS, cybersecurity, AI, and cloud computing, he ensures adherence to brand standards while simplifying complex concepts.